The FairTime Theater™

We wanted an attraction that was pratical and easy to customize for promotions and sponsorships.
Ernie Guderjahn
Click on a picture to enlarge

This theater was designed to provide a stage for family entertainment. The FairTime Theater™ is NOT rainproof… it is for “fair” times. It was designed for the climate and conditions of the western states, with the goal of maximum ventilation and low wind resistance. The FairTime Theater™ can be configured in different ways as the situation requires.

• Ground level
• 8” high
• 20” inches high
• Custom heights available
Variable stage footprint -
• 12’6” wide by 8’ deep
• Optional thrust stage, 8’ wide by 4’ deep
Variable width -
• Basic configuration is 12’ 6” wide
• Versatile wing pieces add 6’ to each side
• Full front facade is 25’ wide
Designed to support sponsorship signage, the FairTime Theater™ makes an attractive showplace, and comes with a sound system and basic lighting.
To fully appreciate the concept behind the FairTime Theater™, watch both our FairTime Theater™ Introduction (1:30 min.) and our Case Study of three major fairs and how they used it fill their particular needs (5:50 min.) This is a specialized attraction and we would be happy to speak with you in greater detail. just give us a call at 951-696-3646.
Take a look at the pictures above, download further information by using the button, or watch the videos below.
These videos are hosted on YouTube. The concept explanation was produced for conventions and runs 90 seconds. The case study was produced for a management conference and shows and in-depth comparison of the FairTime theater's use by three major fairs and runs 6 minutes. They are both designed to start you thinking of the potential applications for your event.
Watch our concept explaination.
Watch the Case Study.