The Think Safety Magic Show

If you can only get children to "think safety", you can help get them safely through life.
Erikk Dalu
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Think Safety Magic Show
Without a doubt safety is no accident, and good safety habits learned in childhood will yield a lifetime of benefits. Learning while being entertained, or “edutainment”, is one of the most effective ways of getting your message across to young audiences. The Think Safety Magic Show was created specifically to blend the serious message of safety awareness with a combination of magic that appeals to all ages. The safety message is clear, reinforced with audience participation, and plenty of fun. The magic performed is easy to understand, highly visual and can be appreciated by children as young as preschool aged.
Magic with Colors
Magic with Numbers
Optical Illusions
Laugh & Learn
Perfect for fairs, festivals, schools, shopping centers, health fairs and parties. If you don't have a stage for the performance, we can perform on ground level, or on our self contained Wagon Stage.
If you would like additional information download the PDF or send us an email.
Without a doubt safety is no accident, and good safety habits learned in childhood will yield a lifetime of benefits. Learning while being entertained, or “edutainment”, is one of the most effective ways of getting your message across to young audiences. The Think Safety Magic Show was created specifically to blend the serious message of safety awareness with a combination of magic that appeals to all ages. The safety message is clear, reinforced with audience participation, and plenty of fun. The magic performed is easy to understand, highly visual and can be appreciated by children as young as preschool aged.
Magic with Colors
Magic with Numbers
Optical Illusions
Laugh & Learn
Perfect for fairs, festivals, schools, shopping centers, health fairs and parties. If you don't have a stage for the performance, we can perform on ground level, or on our self contained Wagon Stage.
If you would like additional information download the PDF or send us an email.